Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Switching to a Year-Round School Calendar Essay - 1092 Words
In the United States, most schools still use a ten-month calendar that was developed when our country’s students needed school off to help with harvesting (Palmer). Trimble Local Schools Superintendent Kim Jones says, â€Å"year-round schooling is the notion of getting away from the old agrarian calendar...which was formed up around the planting season. Students were out of school from April until harvest to work in the fields,†(qtd. in Hapka). Under the agrarian system, most United States students are in school for nine to ten months, and get a two- to three- month summer vacation. However, the United States is no longer an agricultural-based society, and students have no need to take a three-month-long, unnecessary, not to mention†¦show more content†¦Wake County, a school using a year-round calendar, teacher Mary Brown says, â€Å"Our schedule offers the kids a break from school right when they need it...they didn’t have the bored, glazed-over look of kids who had been in school for weeks on end with no break in sight,†(qtd. in The Pros and Cons). Others argue that it would be inconvenient and difficult for parents to find child care for frequent but short spans of time throughout the year. However, in communities that have already made the transition from the agrarian calendar to the year-round schedule, community programs and centers are adjusting as well. Many promptly begin providing a child-care package priced and structured specific to the school district in which they are located as soon as the transition is made (The Pros and Cons). Another common argument against a countrywide year-round schedule is that some communities would want breaks when others want to be in session. Just because the year-round schooling is countrywide does not mean the entire country has to have the exact same schedule. Each school district would come up with its own schedule specific to the community’s demands and traditions. Stu dents who are from rural Minnesota might want deer hunting season off while students from the concrete jungle of New York City will probably be less likely to make such a request. Ohio State Representative and member of the HouseShow MoreRelatedShould Year Round School Be A Positive Impact On The Lives Of Students?997 Words  | 4 PagesDoes year round school truly have a positive impact in the lives of students? Various studies do suggest that year round school is helpful. There are some disadvantages to this type of schooling that are preventing all schools from switching to this type of scheduling. 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Sunday, December 15, 2019
Globalization and Managing Work Organizations in Sri Lanka Free Essays
string(97) " of the island itself amp; it’s rather than a week or so to deliver a letter to oversees\." Today the world has become a one village under the same roof breaking out cultural geographical amp; socio economical boundaries amp; limitations within past few decades. With that occurrence all people around the world has been integrated with each other regardless their races colours amp; cultural aspects. What’s this revolution? It’s an unprecedented experience that people all around the world enjoy. We will write a custom essay sample on Globalization and Managing Work Organizations in Sri Lanka or any similar topic only for you Order Now It’s the globalization. What does it really mean? The simple definition is integration of economies amp; societies all over the world.Some might argue in optimistic perspective . Another might do the same in pessimistic way. But as far as single country or nation is concerned there are much more issues amp; effects of globalization that have to be taken into account. However what need to be concerned is to filter up the positive aspects in this process as there is a negative aspect as well that might coincide at the same time. Globalization is an integration of the countries of the world in order to develop the global economy. Two types of such integration are obvious.They are negative amp; positive integration. Under the negative integration it discusses about the loss of trade or protective business. But sometimes it might be beneficial for a country as it allows to import essential amp; important products to the country. Positive integration means standardizing international economic laws amp; policies. That means having similar policies between two or more countries in case of business. The globalization has created so many effects amp; aspects. The major effect among them is improvement of international trade.There may be dramatically improvement in both import amp; export as trade barriers amp; limitation are not strict too much in globalized context. When international trade improves there is a technological progress as well since government try to enhance the level of technology. Greater mobility of human recourses across the countries is another major effect of globalization. Nowadays such labor exporting is much obvious. A country that has a shortage of manpower might export labour from another country to fulfill the vacancies. But there is another bad aspect as well to be concerned. That’s threat aimed by those immigrated labors towards native ones. The influence of multinational companies is too another effect of globalization. The history of srilankan globalization claims nearly three decades as it became as a new phenomena with the start of the liberalized open economy in early 1970’s. Ever since the commencement the open economic policy the process of globalization has been making the significant influence in each amp; every sector of the economy in srilanka. With the liberalization economy in 1977, srilanka entered into the arena of globalization amp; thus, she has 33 years in this process.In the first phase of liberalization that means in 1977 to 1982 the country achieved internal balance in terms of high economic growth amp; low unemployment. In the second phase 1983 to 1994 internal imbalances such as low growth rate, high unemployment rate, high inflation with a external imbalance of large current account deficit were suffered. They remain constant but higher than the second phase amp; aggravated social economic problems during the third phase of 1994 to date. Fiscal profligacy continue unabated, allegation of waste amp; corruption were galore.Privatization of government services amp; industries is another clear cut evidence during this period. So far we discuss about the what is the globalization amp; history of srilankan globalization. How globalization affect managing work organization is the key topic that we are to clarify about . By now srilankan economy is heavily globalised. This has spreaded out to each amp; every sectors in its economy such as industrial, telecommunication, banking, insurance amp; education etc. It shows how srilankan civil society amp; economy is thoroughly globalised.If we pay our attention on how globalization has affected our srilankan economy, we have many to talk about. It’s obvious fact that we all know that early srilankan industry mostly deals with manual mechanism procedures . Afterwards when srilankan economy got open to the liberalized economy 1977,technological oriented business industries were commenced. At that time other countries such as European used the advanced technologies in their industrial processes. In comparison to their production and services ,the level of quality and standard of our production seemed to be too low.There it realized that in order to compete in international trade and business we ought to deal with this technology so that it was the only way in which we could compete with them. Today In the context of srilankan business organization it’s hardly to find any that’s not dealing with the modern technologies. Nowadays srilankan banking system is heavily globalised. If anybody has got visa card he can make his transaction at any time at any location even at oversees. No need to have a branch of similar bank in which you have got your account but through any bank that linked together.A Srilankan citizen can fly up America and he can make any inquiry, transferring money or whatever action he desires through online or even through mobile phones. †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Telecommunication is another major sector that’s heavily globalized. In early srilankan economy telecommunication sector was not at a satisfactory level. But by now it’s been subject to revolution and globalization. It‘s been hardly to find any organization that is away from using email amp; internet. Internet has become an indispensible service component for every business organization.In order to cater such services there are no of service providers emerged during last two decades. With the dramatical usage of mobile phones the demand for the mobile services such as dialog, mobitel has grown up. Conversion of mobile phone technology analog to digital was as a result of globalization. It got to know that analog would no longer support to cope with international hence changing to digital technology was the ever best solution. Today not only telecommunication but also almost every business work organization are digitalized. Earlier major mean of correspondence was mail.Sometimes it takes two or three days to send a letter to remote corner of the island itself amp; it’s rather than a week or so to deliver a letter to oversees. You read "Globalization and Managing Work Organizations in Sri Lanka" in category "Papers" But thanks to the e mail we can do it in just one second or so irrespective of time amp; location. The cost of corresponding charges has become lowest ever. That has resulted to increase productivity, efficiency amp; profitability of the work organization. Meeting is another way of communication in work organization. Today no need to gather up to a physical location amp; have the meeting. Everything is possible through multimedia technology.Just say there are main 4 partners of the business . Andrew from America, Anand from India, Kushito from Japan, Sarath from Srilanka . Thanks to multimedia technology they can have their meeting online without gathering up to physical location. It helps to save time amp; enhance the productivity of organization. Education sector is rapidly globalised as well. Organization have been able to recruited skillful talented qualified employees who have got more updated knowledge due to available of many international professional courses even in srilanka.CIMA, ACCA, CIM, CFA are some instances. Anybody who is seeking such international professional qualification can easily learn being in srialnka itself. Therefore work organization in srilanka can easily find out talented skillful qualified employees. When there is such set of talented human resources, productivity amp; efficiency of work organization would increase up. Hotel amp; tourism sector is another globalised sector in srilanka. They have to get manage in a way that they can satisfy any visitors regardless his country, culture etc. It’s obvious today each amp; every srialankan hotels make available any type of food such as Chinese . Italian, Indian Thai etc. Not only food amp; beverages but also another utility services such as herbal treatments, massages, spa have been available to satisfy any visitor coming from every nook amp; crannies of the world. Online hotel booking is available option so that any person from any country get facilitated just in few seconds. Today business organization in srilanka pays their attention much more to make a globalised business culture. The obvious evidence is dress code.Western dress code is most commonly accepted way of dressing in most organization. Apart from that the employees mostly in private sector are allowed to dress in casual one of the official days most probably it’s last Friday of every month. Not only that today English has become the most commonly accepted business language in srilanka. Another major globalized aspect in srilankan work organization is globalised accounting amp; financing practices. Nowadays, many business organizations tend to prepare their business financial reports in accordance with SLAS as well as IFRS.Especially in case of dealing with international global market, they are absolutely required to prepare their accounts in terms of foreign currencies in accordance with IFRS. Not only that in case of consolidating with oversees companies, business in srilanka ought to prepare their accounts in accordance with IFRS in addition to the set prepared in accordance with srilankan accounting standards [SLAS]. This is an obvious evidence specially in multinational companies such as Uniliver, Coca cola amp; other consolidated group of business such as Aitken spence amp; John keels ltd. Therefore such business should be aware to recruit right set of HR, well knowledgeable amp; keen in the field of accounting amp; finance. Working at the European business hours is another globalised impact obvious in Srilanka. The typical example is WNS SOLUTION. They work during the European business hours since they need to be connected on line with their overseas branches. In such case such organization ought to have reliable amp; appropriate computer systems amp; applications amp; recruit qualified staff with fair computer literacy.Not only that they ought to comply with required rules amp; procedures such as IFRS in case of book keeping amp; preparing financial accounts†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. Harbors amp; airports are major globalization oriented work organization. They are the places where international trade amp; business often take place. It’s pleasure to say that government is paying their attention in order to enhance the level of quality of such organizations amp; build up more amp; more harbors amp; airports around the island. The consequences of such decisions is enormous.In addition to Colombo harbor, several harbors are being set up around the island so as to enhance the capacity of dealing with international trade amp; business. Apart from that Colombo harbor is scheduled to be expanded to store up amp; manage more amp; more containers. Warehousing facilities are scheduled to widen up as well. Today e-commerce is widely used by many business organizations in srilanka. Through e commerce people can buy products amp; services online. But unfortunately e-commerce is used only in very limited business organization such as banks amp; hotels in Srilanka.Due to higher capital investment required to initiate such commerce system many organization are not prone to launch e commerce system. But however it’s pleasure to say that e-commerce used by above mentioned organizations are at a satisfactory level. Almost each amp; every bank in srilanka has facilitated their customers to be facilitated through at anytime any location just in few seconds. Money transferring, Cheque book ordering, withdrawing amp; even payment through visa credit amp; debit card are among them. Even some private hospitals have provided e- commerce facility. For instance Nawaloka, Durdorns etc are there.E- Commerce is available even through mobile phone ,that is e-channeling. Through e-channeling a person can channel out any doctor through his mobile phone. This has caused to enhance the efficiency of above organization since it would reduce the traffic intensity of counter points amp; make easy to manage the workload of the organization. But as mentioned above the major issue dealing with e commerce is higher initial capital requirement. The banks amp; other organization that deal with e commerce ought to be equipped with modern technology supported by talented system amp; network maintaining staff.Many organizations nowadays tend to use digitalized security methods other than manual procedures. In case of dealing with globalized environment ,there is a risk of getting exposed to vulnerable threats such as virus, hackers in a view of spoiling out their systems altering ,deleting the information of the business that’s the most integral part of any organization. Therefore relevant measures to avoid such vulnerable threats need to be set up. Such organization should take necessary actions amp; procedures to ensure the security of their system as much as possible.For instance, some organizations use firewall so as to avoid intruders amp; hackers. Hackers are the people who access others information using advanced software’s amp; technology. Since the information is the most precious treasury for any organization they must set up maximum security on their system to ensure their systems are free from vulnerable threats. Documenting process is another important part in any work organization. This has too been subject to globalization in Sri Lanka. Earlier there was a paper based documentary system in almost every organization.But nowadays it’s hardly to see paper based documentary system as it’s now modernized amp; computerized . Hence that has resulted to reduce paper jam amp; workload of the organization amp; therefore there is a dramatical productivity amp; efficiency improvement in any work organization. Nowadays there are number of computer software to deal with documentary works. MS WORD,MS EXCEL,MS POWER POINT,NOTEPAD etc are few of them. That has made documentary work so easy as ever before. Storing,retrieval amp; corresponding of documents has become easy than ever before through e mail ,fax etc.It’s possible to send number of copies of same documents /letters to number of persons in few seconds at once. This has led to improve the productivity amp; efficiency of business organization. We all know that srilanka has been exposed to globalization ever since the beginning of liberalized economic policy in 1977. Since then there has been a sequence improvement in both import amp; export trade business. There is a formal procedure which is done under the supervision of government authorities such as custom etc. And it’s common ecret that smuggling is being done in spite of strict supervision. Smugglers try to smuggle using their own tactics amp; sometimes using advanced technology. Therefore it needs to establish proper controlling amp; security procedures in order to avoid such smuggling. Among them drugs smuggling takes a prime place. We all know that these drugs can cause for a wider social disaster. Therefore proper organizational procedures and authorizes have to be established in order to avoid this situation under the supervision of government.Not only that with the advancement of tourist industry in srilanka, tourist arrival rate has significantly improved up. Considerable number of tourists comes to Sri Lanka to enjoy her scenic beauty amp; bio diversity per annum. Therefore it’s possible to fly up infectious deceases with them. Therefore airports should be facilitated amp; equipped with modern technologies [scanners] to identify immigrants with infectious diseases. With the arrival of multinational companies such as Uniliver, Coca cola etc, local business organizations have faced severe competition in the local market itself.Due to liberalized amp; globalised economic policy the oversees companies like multinational companies easily access our local market amp; do their business as freely as ever before. To face this global competition local business organization such as Ceylon cold stores, CBL should make their strategies in a way that they can surpass above multinational organization. The best typical example is CBL. CBL has often been innovating amp; experimenting variety of production amp; hence by now it has been able catch up more than 90% of the local market surpassing even such multinational companies. With globalization entertainment has become key element of life style. People in srilanka are prone to spend their leisure time enjoying the entertainment. It’s clear cut evidence that both Hollywood amp; Bollywood industries are trying to devour the local market of srilankan film industry. Due to their highest attractive technological tactics amp; advance camera tricks they have been able to provide maximum entertainment. They are supported not only by the highest technology but even their governments facilitate them to enhance the level of quality of their film industry.Therefore relevant authorities in srilanka should focus their attention on this pathetic situation amp; should do everything possible to overcome this issue. Otherwise sooner or later srilankan film industry will collapse down forever. However it’s pleasure to say that government has done something to improve the srilankan film industry. †RANMINITHENNA†Tele cinema village is a typical example. We have to learn much more things in terms of technology usage. The quality of film theater needs to be enhanced so as to give a maximum entertainment . We ought to apply modern technology such as DFT, DOLBY DIGITAL etc.Then only we can overcome globalised entertainment competition amp; achieve the market. Thus globalization has led to derive more opportunities amp; strategies to make it easy to manage organization amp; on the other hand it creates severe threats amp; competition against the local work organization as well. Therefore on what we should focus our attention is to manage work organization infusing its opportunities amp; surpass its invaded threats amp; competition. Then only Srilanka would have a BETTER TOMORROW IN THE CONTEXT OF GLOBALISATION†¦.. How to cite Globalization and Managing Work Organizations in Sri Lanka, Papers
Saturday, December 7, 2019
Strategic Global Human Resource Management
Question: Discuss about theStrategic Global Human Resource Management. Answer: This paper is an argumentative essay on human resource management (HRM) case study. It addresses the role of the strategic HRM as well as other challenges the HRM faces in a flexible work environment designed by a case study law firm named Justita, a winner of the AHRI Sir Ken Robinson Award, for workforce flexibility. As a law firm Justitia aimed at developing a business model whose activities pays great attention to work-life balance as opposed to other firms that payed great attention to value of the income associated with billable hours of the employees. The founders of this law firm were also interested in fostering the talent of the women lawyers as well as creating harmonious work relationship between clients and members of staff. For a long time now many corporates around the world base their business models majorly on profit model. The most important aspect in these organisations is the revenue and profit generated by the company. Much attention is not given to the other side of the staff i.e. the social welfare. It is therefore important for firms such as Justitia to expand the boundaries to all new level so that other firms can learn from them and realize that it can still work for the companies to mind about the social welfare of the employees at the same time keeping an eye on their profit model. It also highlights the fact that work in firms should not be based on activities but results. Someone can be at work the whole day and still effectively does not add much value at work. Another person can work a few hours and he/she delivers on the work description effectively. This paradigm shift in way organisations work also serves as an example of how organisations can be empowering in nature rather than adm inistrative in nature. The output of employees or members of staff of an organisation either collectively or individually is greatly dependant on their social wellbeing as much as work expertise. Therefore when an organisation is empowering in nature it motivates the staff to post impressive performances which in turn boosts the performance of the organisation. It also highlight the fact that change should not be slow and fragmented rather it should be proactive and systematic. Justitia could have as well not embraced this kind of business model because the motive was not profit based rather it was more of work-life balance. In this case it the paradigm shift in business model espoused by Jutitia serves as a leader in encouraging other companies to embrace change in a proactive and systematic manner as it is beneficial to both members of staff and the organisation. (Lussier, Hendon, n.d.) When adapting the approach such as one taken by Justitia, a challenge may arise in the consistency of handling clients issues or service delivery if great documentation is not followed to the letter. Even then its challenging to capture all the information in document pertaining a certain client in relation to the services he/she was seeking. The client could have worked in angry in the morning and registered his/her complain with staff on duty and left to come back after some time to check on the progress. Ordinarily this type of client may have experienced delay with her case in court for example. She then walks in latter to find a new staff on duty whom might not be aware about the frustrations the client had showed when she came in earlier. That means the handover process may have not been sufficient enough to capture even the urgency of this matter. The new staff proceeds to prioritise other requests based on information available at that time. And when its time to serve the fru strated client the new staff ask her to kindly check the progress the following day as her request would have been attended to by then, and she can not take it anymore. This scenario leads to poor client management that this model is at risk of if meticulous documentation is not employed. During handover process there is a chance that certain client information may slip through unnoticed forcing the client to repeat herself/himself again to the new staff as opposed to when one person is handling clients for longer period of time continuously. (Wheatley, 2016) Another problem that may occur in this model is the threat to profit model of the company. If the company doesnt strike correct balance between the social welfare of the employees and work output then the profit model which is what financially sustains the business will be at risk. The model may run a risk of being abused in that if over emphasis is laid on the social welfare part of the employees to an extend of having staff shortage at work at certain period for social reasons, then this may begun to negatively affect the service delivery and thus the income of the organisation. In the end the organisation may not be able to sustain it self financially. To mitigate this, as much as the social welfare of the human resource is important the resource should be managed in such a way that at no time is service delivery is forgone for avoidable social reasons. The model requires that employs optimally deliver on the job descriptions as developed by human resource management at all times as there is little room to recover if time is lost or objective not met on allocated time. This problem is occasioned by fact employees only feature at work on specific short period of time and this means this time has to be utilized failure to which the company would run into risk of meeting organisational objectives. To manage this situation, employees of organisation operating under this kind of model need to be highly trained on effective time management so that once at work he/she can optimally utilize the time at work. (McCann, 2008) For large organisations with probably hundreds or thousands of employees, implementing this model would become a challenge because of logistics in capturing or accommodating a large number of peoples personal activities. To be able to effectively strike a workable timetable that will suit large number of people is a problem and thus, this suggests, this model may not viable for large organisations. For the case of different industries which operate on 24- hour basis balancing the social life with work can be a challenge for the organisation. Ideally, this model postulates that every staff needs to spend quality family time and as well have time to run other personal activities. For a 24-hour manufacturing company it can be challenging to accommodate this social aspect effectively. There is going to be people who would have to be at work at night as opposed to being with their families, or when there is emergency say machines are broken down then the personnel needed have to be recall ed while attending to his/her own personal activities thus hindering implementation of flexible working arrangements as espoused by Jutitia. (Stavrou, Ierodiakonou, 2011) Considering a school set up, a medium sized primary school for example with about 20 teachers. We can see a possibility of implementing this type of model. The school runs on a timetable which can be usually agreed between members of staff. It is important that the number of teachers be as low as possible to reduce logistics needed to be considered to come up with a workable timetable for all the teachers. The timetable in this case can be developed such that it accommodates all teachers with regard to time they think they are able to work at school. It is rare that many teachers may nominate to work at the same time because of unique activities every teacher has as well the total number of teachers is also small. Therefore the probability that such a case may happen is minimal. For the few who may nominate overlapping time it is easier for an agreement to be reached where everyone can compromise on time a little bit. The timetable can then be drawn where each teacher is allocated ro les at school at different time of the day. If the teacher doesnt have a lesson or any other activity he/she can use this time to be with family or run other personnel activities. (Stavrou, Ierodiakonou, 2011) In conclusion, Jutitia model is a very good model of balancing work-life relations in order to wholesomely consider human resources in all spheres of life. However the model can be challenging to implement in other industries such as manufacturing industries where operations are run for 24 hour. The model is also not viable for organisations with large number of employees because of logistical challenges in the implementation of the model. References Atypical and flexible working. Lussier, R., Hendon, J. Human resource management. McCann, D. (2008). Regulating flexible work. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Skorstad, E., Ramsdal, H. (2016). Flexible organizations and the new working life. London: Routledge. Stavrou, E., Ierodiakonou, C. (2011). Flexible Work Arrangements and Intentions of Unemployed Women in Cyprus: A Planned Behaviour Model. British Journal Of Management, 22(1), 150-172. https://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1467-8551.2010.00695.x Wheatley, D. (2016). Employee satisfaction and use of flexible working arrangements. Work, Employment And Society, 095001701663144. https://dx.doi.org/10.1177/0950017016631447 Wilkinson, A. The SAGE handbook of human resource management.
Saturday, November 30, 2019
Secret Garden Essays - English-language Films, The Secret Garden
Secret Garden The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett takes place in a dreary Misselthwaite manor in England during the Victorian era. The protagonist is Mary Lennox a selfish and spoilt 11 year old. The other major characters are Master Colin Craven her sickly cousin, Dickon Sowerby the animal charmer, Master Archibald Craven her reclusive uncle, Martha Sowerby a hearty housekeeper, a dour gardener, a cheerful robin and the secret garden. The tone is melodramatic and is told in the third person omniscient. The message about life to be learned from the story is that its never too late to change, no matter how terrible, you can make the best of things. Face the problems instead of cowering from them because if your don't they'll never go away. Have a positive attitude, live life and share it with the people around. Alienating yourself is not the solution. Mary, Colin and Archibald Craven are examples of this. Mary didn't care for anything, she was so spoilt that nothing and no one meant anything to he; she was so used to everybody hating her. Colin is also spoilt and filled with ideas that he's going to die. Archibald is the coward that can't face reality or the hope for a better tomorrow. The one thing they all have in common is negatively, you get the sense that they would rather be dead and in reality it's like they are because they don't care about anything. Mary is tossed around like a rag doll nobody wants; Colin is expecting to die and Master Craven runs from the possibilities of getting to know his son. In The Secret Garden there is person vs. society and person vs. her/himself. In person vs. society Mary is unloved by her parents and by most of those who she encounters. Her parents ignore her existence and leave her to the care of a hateful ayah. After her parents die she moves to live with her uncle and is greeted by Mrs. Medlock who finds her a disagreeable child. She and others don't give Mary a chance; they judge and sentence her. They do the same to Colin; they don't give him hopes of living and expect him to die soon. Person vs. her/himself is found when Mary, Colin and Master Craven have to find the courage to face the harsh world. They all fear this loneliness which they bring amongst themselves by withdrawing themselves from the world The climax in the story would have to be when Mary can't handle Colins tantrums and all his ranting and raving about the lump on his back that's going to kill him. She realizes that the way that Colin acts was the same way she used to be and she sets him straight. She doesn't give in to his hysterics and proves to him that the only lumps on his back are his bones. From that day on things change, Mary tells him about the garden and Colin gets a sudden interest in life. After that Mary takes him to the garden and this view on life changes, he says "I shall live for ever- and ever- and ever." It's a combination of events with the help of different characters that bring this story to its conclusion. But it all starts with Mary's arrival to the manor and her curiosity about the secret garden. Mary was used to being served and being alone, neglected by her parents she becomes bitter. "Full of disagreeable thoughts about her dislikes and sour opinions of people and her determination not to be pleased by or interested in anything." There was no meaning in Mary's life and that's why she was bitter, that changed when she moved to Misselthwaite where she discovers the secret garden with fantastic healing powers. The garden is walled up and has been locked up for years. With the gardener's apprentice, Dickon, Mary coaxes the garden back to life. The garden seems to have a wonderful, magical effect on all those who come into it, allowing Mary to help restore Colin to health and a reunion with his father. It's a story where faith restores health, flowers refresh the spirit and the magic of the garden coming to life after years of neglect brings both Colin and Mary health and happiness. The garden helped Mary regenerate then helped Colin help himself and at last Master Craven. Hope was regained and the loss they had all endued stayed behind in the past.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Free Essays on Witch Craft
What is Witchcraft? Who are these Witches anyway? It is a nature-based belief system or religion. Not all Witches follow the same belief system. Some practice what is called the "old religion" which has its roots in pagan pre-monotheistic folk ways and beliefs and usually follows the seasonal cycles. These belief systems or "traditions" of Witches are often based upon the particular culture from whence they originated. Many Witches believe in a polytheistic deity structure (usually based upon the local gods and goddesses of the area of origin), but some simply practice magic. Witches may practice alone as 'solitaries" or in covens. There are also family groups or traditions which trace their practices and beliefs within the same close group throughout several generations. Traditional Wicca: A modern form of Witchcraft is called "Wicca." Traditional Wicca is based on the teachings of Gerald Gardner, is coven based and each coven can trace its line of teaching passed on by initiated Traditional priests and priestesses back to Gardner himself. There are offshoots of Gardnerian Traditional Wicca such as Alexandrian Wicca, Georgian Wicca and many others. Traditional Wiccans are considered a 'mystery' religion, require initiation by the coven and have a "degree system" or different levels of rank based upon coven training and the readiness of the initiate to accept the duties and responsibilities of that degree. They have a core of inner knowledge-often called the "Book of Shadows"-which is known only to initiated Wiccans. Most Traditional Wiccans believe in the balance of male-female divinity. Traditional Wiccans are seldom solitary except for those 'Elders'-usually former priests and priestesses-who may have retired from active coven involvement. Satan is a part of the Christian and Muslim religions. Since pagans are neither Christian nor Muslim, Satan is not part of our deity structure at all. They believe that each and every h... Free Essays on Witch Craft Free Essays on Witch Craft What is Witchcraft? Who are these Witches anyway? It is a nature-based belief system or religion. Not all Witches follow the same belief system. Some practice what is called the "old religion" which has its roots in pagan pre-monotheistic folk ways and beliefs and usually follows the seasonal cycles. These belief systems or "traditions" of Witches are often based upon the particular culture from whence they originated. Many Witches believe in a polytheistic deity structure (usually based upon the local gods and goddesses of the area of origin), but some simply practice magic. Witches may practice alone as 'solitaries" or in covens. There are also family groups or traditions which trace their practices and beliefs within the same close group throughout several generations. Traditional Wicca: A modern form of Witchcraft is called "Wicca." Traditional Wicca is based on the teachings of Gerald Gardner, is coven based and each coven can trace its line of teaching passed on by initiated Traditional priests and priestesses back to Gardner himself. There are offshoots of Gardnerian Traditional Wicca such as Alexandrian Wicca, Georgian Wicca and many others. Traditional Wiccans are considered a 'mystery' religion, require initiation by the coven and have a "degree system" or different levels of rank based upon coven training and the readiness of the initiate to accept the duties and responsibilities of that degree. They have a core of inner knowledge-often called the "Book of Shadows"-which is known only to initiated Wiccans. Most Traditional Wiccans believe in the balance of male-female divinity. Traditional Wiccans are seldom solitary except for those 'Elders'-usually former priests and priestesses-who may have retired from active coven involvement. Satan is a part of the Christian and Muslim religions. Since pagans are neither Christian nor Muslim, Satan is not part of our deity structure at all. They believe that each and every h...
Friday, November 22, 2019
Rebut vs. Refute vs. Deny
Rebut vs. Refute vs. Deny Rebut vs. Refute vs. Deny Rebut vs. Refute vs. Deny By Sharon Theres often confusion between rebut and refute and both words may be misused when deny is most appropriate. Its true that they all have to do with negation, but thats where the similarity ends. To deny a statement is simply that. If I say all dogs are grey, then if you deny or contradict that statement all you have to do is say: No, theyre not. However, if you wanted to rebut my statement, you would have to provide a well thought out and reasoned argument that suggests that I might be wrong. This is used in debates, where speakers present evidence that supports a counter argument. In order to refute my statement about dogs, you would have to prove it wrong, perhaps by showing me a dog of a different color. Here are some quotations from publications around the web: Friday, Mr. Emanuel declined to speculate on whether the Trump administration would find another rationale to deny the city the grant - something that has never happened. Nor would he say if he thought that the administration (www.nytimes.com) in which I addressed questions from Congressmen about my testimony before the global warming committee, I had already refuted in detail the points now belatedly raised again by the scientists who have written to Congress. (www.theguardian.com) opportunity to present a counterpoint to Mr. Wolff. And she has broadly discussed with friends the idea of a book to rebut â€Å"Fire and Fury.†(www.nytimes.com) Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Vocabulary category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:12 Greek Words You Should KnowUse a Dash for Number RangesEnglish Grammar 101: Sentences, Clauses and Phrases
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Book Review Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 2
Book Review - Essay Example On Job: God-Talk and the Suffering of the Innocent, Gutierrez makes use of the story of Job as the basis of his proof that the suffering of people is not an evidence of the absence of God. Rather, it is an avenue through which the people could encounter God. The ills of our society today should not be seen as the work of a complacent and ambivalent omnipotent being but the result of the unbelieving masses that are complacent and ambivalent themselves. The author can thus be seen as relating theology and the real life and inspires others to join the cause. One could argue that so many theologians and religious individuals write about matters which they think they have the authority to speak of but are actually hermits or persons that only move within the boundaries of the religion’s large estate. Gutierrez draws credibility to his work by being able to experience the suffering of people in Latin America. The author finds and establishes that there is much lesson to be learned in "the starvation of millions, the humiliation of races regarded as inferior, discrimination against women, †¦ the sufferings of people who are struggling for their right to live, †¦ terrorism of every kind, and the corpse-filled graves of Ayacucho" (p. 102) and that is to realize for ourselves that we are the one responsible and able to address the situation. The justice in God’s seeming ambivalence is the opportunity it presents for people to appreciate His work and to be able to take part in the salvation of mankind. Gutierrez’s work can be seen as an â€Å"essay in theological reflection" (p. xvi) as he himself claims but one would find it also as a synthesis between theory and real life situations. On Job is an attempt to make people realize the reasons why suffering exists in all nations encompassing all walks of life. It is also an attempt to refute the claim of others that God is not a God of Love much less a God at all. Since the issue of religion is
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Leadership and Organizational Change Assignment
Leadership and Organizational Change - Assignment Example The driver in this case is the leader in the topmost organization post who is responsible for the running of all activities (Amagoh, 2008). This leader has to possess and apply styles of leadership that support positive organizational change, and not hinder it. The following text in discussion studies the importance and application of organizational change; highlighting Brunswick Indoor Recreation Group, which underwent the process to come out better, in additional to how a transformative or charismatic style of leadership contributed to the success of the said changes. Sengupta (2006) defines organizational change is that process through which an organization will optimize its performance, a move geared at achieving its ideal status. The need for the change is to either address a crisis situation or respond to put up with the ever-changing business environment. On another point, though, a progressive leader or manager can trigger organizational change, especially after a transfer or reshuffling of executive powers within an organization. Organizational power can be understood through three theories: the teleological, dialectical, and life-cycle theories. The teleological theory explains that an organizational change, strives to achieve an ideal status via a continuous strategy of setting goals, executing, evaluating, and restructuring to fit the required state. The dialectical theory uses a hypothesis that an organization is a context in society which occasionally encounters opposing values. The life-cycle theory on its part dictates that an organ ization is an entity which depends on the external environment, the stages through creating, growing, maturing, and declining (Chen, Suen, Lin, & Shieh, 2013). The Brunswick Indoor Recreation Group is a division unit of the larger Brunswick Corporation, which is based in the United States, a history dating back to 1845. Its headquarters are in Lake Forest, Illinois, in North Chicago. The organization deals with the
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Auerbach Enterprise Essay Example for Free
Auerbach Enterprise Essay â€Å"Auerbach Enterprises uses machine hours as the cost driver to assign overhead costs to the air conditioners. The company has used a company-wide predetermined overhead rate in past years, but the new controller, Bennie Leon, is considering the use of departmental overhead rates beginning with the next year. â€Å"(Schneider, 2012). One product is affected more than the other by use of departmental rates rather than companywide rate. â€Å"Companies can choose to use the accounting job order costing method when they have a single product line or numerous products to manufacture. However, it is less costly and less time-consuming if they elect to use process costing when calculating the manufacturing of a single product line. With similarities and differences, there are also pros and cons that come with these costing methods. Every company is unique and what may work well in a car repair shop, may not work in an automobile company. When we think about the similarities between job order costing and process costing we can agree that they both monitor three specific elements, which are direct material, direct labor and manufacturing overhead. In addition the flow of costs in each method is essentially the same when you look at both accounts. †(Huntington, 2013) Radiator Parts Fabrication equal Overhead Costs divided by Machine Hours $80,000 equal $8 per machine hour 10,000 Radiator Assembly, Weld, and Test equal $100,000 equal $5 per machine hour 20,000 Compressor Parts Fabrication equal $120,000 equal $24 per machine hour 5,000 Compressor Assembly and Test equal $180,000 equal $4 per machine hour 45,000. The department overhead rates included the compressor assembly and test department has the highest overhead costs with the most machine hours that total $4 per machine hour. The compressor parts fabrication department yields the highest cost per machine hour at $24. †Job order costing gives managers the advantage of being able to keep track of individuals and teams performance in terms of cost-control, efficiency and productivity. Process costing, on the other hand, gives managers the advantage of being able to ascertain the same qualities in entire departments and compare performance over time. (Ingram, D 2013) The next feasible objective for the company is to determine the company wide overhead rate using machine hours as the cost driver. Company Wide Overhead Rate equal Forecast Overhead divided by Expected Machine Hours Overhead Rate equal $480,000 equal $6 per machine hour 80,000. Company Wide Rate: Direct Material Costs x Batch Size plus Direct Labor Costs x Batch Size Maxiflow: Alaska: 135 x 20 equal 2700 110 x 20 equal 2200 75 x 20 equal 1500 95 x 20 equal 1900 equal $4200 per batch equal $4100 per batch Departmental Rate. Direct Materials Costs plus Direct Labor Costs divided by Each Department Hour Maxiflow: 135 plus 75 equal $210 Radiator Parts Fabrication: 210 divided by 28 equal $7. 50 per batch Radiator Assembly, Weld, and Test equal 210 divided by 30 equal $7 per batch Compressor Parts Fabrication: 210 divided by 32 equal $6. 60 per batch Compressor Assembly and Test: 210 divided by 26 equal $8. 10 per batch Alaska: 110 plus 95 equal 205 Radiator Parts Fabrication: 205 divided by 16 equal $12. 80 per batch Radiator Assembly, Weld, and Test: 205 divided by 74 equal $2. 0 per batch Compressor Parts Fabrication: 205 divided by 8 equal $25. 60 per batch Compressor Assembly and Test: 205 divided by 66 equal $3. 10 per batch. There was only a $100 difference between Maxiflow and Alaska when it came to company-wide rates per batch. On other hand, the departmental rates between Maxiflow and Alaska were significantly different. Maxiflow had the cheaper departmental costs per batch with an average of $7. 30 per batch compared to $11. 05 per batch with Alaska. to determine the companywide and departmental costs per unit of Maxiflow and Alaska. Company-Wide Rate: Total Cost per Unit equal direct material Costs plus Direct Labor Costs divided by Number of Units Maxiflow. Direct Materials equal Alaska: 135 Direct Labor Costs equal 75 210 $415 plus $480,000 divided by 40 equal $12,010. 38 per unit 110 plus 95 equal 205 210 plus 205 equal $415 Departmental Rate: Radiator Parts Fabrication: $80,000 plus $415 divided by 40 equal $2010. 38 per unit Radiator Assembly, Weld, and Test: $100,000 plus 415 divided by 40 equal $2510. 38. Compressor Parts Fabrication: $120,000 plus 415 divided by 40 equal $3010. 8 Compressor Assembly and Test: $180,000 plus 415 divided by 40 equal $4510. 38. So, it seems that the total costs per unit for the company-wide rate is slightly less per unit. The company-wide rate for total cost per unit is $12,010. 38, while the total cost per unit for each department is $12, 041. 52. â€Å"Auerbach Enterprises manufactures air conditioners for automobiles and trucks manufactured throughout North America. The company designs its products with flexibility to accommodate many makes and models of automobiles and trucks. The company’s two main products are MaxiFlow and Alaska. †(Schneider, 2012). The reduction of overhead expenses is one of the sparse areas of corporate cost control that receives few to no attention from management. However the savings and profit improvement can be surprising. Reviewing the data for Auerbach management would be better suited to continue using company-wide rates. The perception by managers of the relative importance of costs may be determined by the nature.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
prayer in school :: essays research papers
Prayer In School A very controversial widespread issue today is the right to have prayer in public schools. The proposed amendment reads: â€Å"To secure the people’s right to acknowledge God according to the dictates of conscience. The people’s rights to pray and to recognize their belief, heritage or traditions on public property, shall not be infringed. The government shall not require any person to join in the prayer or religious activity, initiate or designate school prayers, discriminate against any religion, or deny equal access to benefit on account of religion. (AVSP)†This would permit but not mandate school prayer. I think that the government should be focused on the school’s academics, not what religion they are to study. The proposed amendments would cause nothing but trouble considering that there would be many arguments on what beliefs should be taught. Religion is private and schools are public. Having any prayer in school goes against the basis in which our country was formed upon. America came into being because colonists wanted religious freedom. Our founding fathers carefully wrote the constitution to grant the freedom of separation of church and state. A prayer created and supported by a government violate the very essence of the spirit in which the US was formed. (Haas35) Therefore, having a prayer in school would be unconstitutional. â€Å"A radical school prayer amendment would attack the heart and soul of the bill of rights which safeguards the rights of the individual from tyranny of the individual.†(Jasper96) Teachers are public employees, paid by the taxpayers. The time it takes to recite a prayer is an expenditure of tax dollars. (Haas36 ) This is a violation of the separation of church and state. This whole issue is a big waste of time because students do have the right to pray at school. No one can stop them from praying individually, silently, or personally. this right has never, and could never be outlawed. (AVSP ) The real motive is to install group prayer.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Compare and Contrast the characters of Ralph and Jack in the first and last chapters in Lord of the Flies
Lord of the flies is a novel about a group of boys who are lost on an island in the middle of the ocean. It is written by William Golding. Two of the key characters in the novel are Ralph and Jack, they have completely dissimilar characteristics and this essay will compare those two characters. The first time we see the two characters of Ralph and Jack contrast is in chapter one. The readers read that when Ralph first appeared on the island he was wearing his school sweater. Slowly because of the heat he took it off and ‘trailed it†¦ from one hand'. The fact that Ralph shows no respect for his clothes tells the reader that he is an ordinary school boy who does not yet care about his appearance. As a result of this he is not self conscious and thereby innocent. In contrast, Jack and his choir's, `bodies, from throat to ankle, were hidden by black cloaks which bore a long silver cross†¦`. Their dark clothes are menacing and hint about them being savages in the future. Their clothing is extremely unsuitable for their new surroundings and they soon take them off. Jack is also clearly the leader of the choir, as he is wearing a golden cap. He over exercises his authority and hurls orders at his choir boys. The readers also work out from this first chapter that Ralph was brought up in the Home Counties. Golding writes that Ralph, ‘†¦jerked his stockings with an automatic gesture that made the jungle seem for a moment like the Home Counties'. We can assume that Ralph, coming from the Home Counties, was brought up in a middle class background. This `automatic gesture` also tells the reader that he is naturally reassuring even in these strange set of circumstances. His natural reassurance is shown again later on when, ‘he saw two little-uns and, not having any idea own appearance , wondered why they screamed and ran`. He calm nature in these bizarre events show how innocent and immature he is. Ralph's immatureness is shown further when he finds out that there are no grown ups on the island, `the delight of realised ambition came over him. In the middle of the scar he stood on his head`. Ralph celebrates the fact that there are no adults on the island by standing on his head. Ralph standing on his head symbolises how their lives have been reversed. It also shows what an immature and innocent character Ralph is. Jack's attitude is completely different, he thinks because he has authority back in school it should be transferred to the island. He arrogantly says that he should be chief, â€Å"because I'm chapter chorister and head boy. I can sing C-sharp†. We constantly see Jack trying to be the omnipotent leader. He even `protests` against democracy. One way in which both the characters of Ralph and Jack are similar in chapter is the way in which they treat Piggy. Ralph at first ignored Piggy for, `when the fat boy waited to be asked his name in turn but this offer of acquaintance was not made†¦`, Ralph did not care for him at this point and finds him rather tiresome. In-fact he even mocks him by teasing him about his â€Å"Ass-mar†. Ralph considers Piggy to be inferior to him as he is middle-class whilst Piggy is lower-class. Jack also hated him from the beginning, he constantly bullies him by saying things like, â€Å"shut up fatty†in-fact he did not even give him a chance. Jack bullies Piggy to make himself seem important, this shows to the reader that Jack is a bully at heart – this unfortunately does not change as the novel progresses. Ralph also betrays Piggy by telling Jack that his, â€Å"His real name's Piggy†. Ralph betrays Piggy's trust and confidence. Ralph acts in this way to gain popularity with Jack and his cronies as they are upper-class and he is middle-class. Therefore he looks up to them. Piggy being from a working class background finds life sociably difficult. In comparison Ralph and Jack, who obviously come from a more educated and wealthy background, automatically see themselves as superior. Piggy is also physically frail, because of his asthma, and needs Ralph to constantly look after him on the island. Ralph immaturity is shown again when in his eagerness to swim he runs and, `in a few moments the fat boy's grunts were right behind him†¦`. Ralph's enthusiasm to swim causes him to leave Piggy behind. Ralph chooses fun over common sense, whilst Piggy tries to be sensible. Ralph immaturity is shown when he, ‘stood there naked looking at the dazzling beach and sea'. Ralph shedding his clothes tells the reader that he is still very much a child and is not worried or self conscious about what others may think of him. Ralph's nakedness also tells us that he is innocent and childlike; as a result he is very naive. Being naked in `paradise`, metaphorically reminds the reader of Adam and Eve being naked in the Garden of Eden. If Jack had been around he would have thought it maybe gay or babyish to strip naked in front of everyone because he did not know such innocence as Ralph did. We see that Jack is much more mature and less innocent then Ralph. However, the readers also see that Jack is still very much a school boy who possesses fear and morals. We read that `Jack's face was white under the freckles. He noticed that he still held the knife aloft†¦`. Jack cannot bring himself to kill the pig; he is still a civilised school boy who is squeamish about blood. Ralph immaturity is shown further when he shows disrespect towards normal aspects of democracy. Piggy constantly warns Ralph that he should be â€Å"Careful! You'll break it!†Ralph is warned how fragile the conch is by Piggy and is irritated by the warning. The conch is symbolic of order, rules and democracy. Therefore Ralph's careless attitude towards it shows he does not yet understand the great importance of democracy and civilisation. This also shows that Ralph does not appreciate the good value of common-sense. Jack also shows no appreciation for democracy as he protested when they voted for a leader. However, this is out of pure greed of power – not immaturity. In the last chapter of the novel, Ralph's character is shown to have taken a complete metamorphosis. A clear example of this is when Ralph exclaims, â€Å"How could you listen for naked feet if you're splashing around in the water?†. In the first chapter Ralph swam in the water without a care in the world. However, now things have changed, Ralph is petrified for his life since Jack and Roger are trying to kill him. These painted savages will do anything Jack or Roger tell them to do, out of fear of being put to death. It seems that terror and danger has changed the immature outlook which Ralph had in life that we see in Chapter One. We also see that the way the other characters treat Ralph has also altered from the beginning of the novel. The younger children who admired and loved him previously in Chapter One, ignored and mistreated him. This is shown when, ‘he saw two little-uns and †¦ wondered why they screamed and ran`. Ralph has now become too immersed in his emotions due to the sorrows of his current life. This makes Ralph an unrecognisable figure for the younger children. In Chapter One the whole island was on the whole united in their aims. Now, because of Jack and Ralph's rift, the island is now split into two territories. Jack and Ralph each have their `end of the island`. This split lets Jack party and bully the `little-uns` in peace without Ralph and Rodger's interference. We also see that Ralph's character in Chapter One whose, `†¦mouth and eyes that proclaimed no devil`, has totally changed. He has transformed from being a young innocent child to one that is now wild and fears death at every corner. Ralph's experiences have taught him to be ruthless and not to be so trusting and naive. This is shown when he vents his anger at the pig's skull. Golding tells us that ‘he lashed out and cried out with loathing†¦'. Ralph destroys the pig's skull in the same way that Jack and Roger destroyed the conch. This represents both clans rejection of rules and democracy. The pig skull is the `lord of the flies` as it attracts flies. It also represents evil, so therefore when Ralph destroys it is considered as if he has removed most of the evilness from the island. In the last chapter Jack's hatred towards Ralph reaches its climax, â€Å"They (Jack and Roger) hate you Ralph. They're going to kill you†. Jack hates Ralph because Ralph just wants to be rescued, which means you need rules. However, Jack and Roger just want to be free and have no rules or democracy. In addition Jack also wants to kill Ralph because Ralph took away his leadership and as a result he is extremely jealous. Upon being rescued by a group of naval officers, ‘The officer inspected the little scarecrow in front of him. The kid needed a bath, a hair-cut, a nose wipe and a good deal of ointment'. The readers are reminded here that despite Ralph going through this horrible ordeal, he is still ultimately a child. This reminds the reader of Ralphs's character in Chapter One when he looked innocent and childlike and looked at everything with, `bright exciting eyes`. One could see how the events of the novel have changed Ralph's character. However, Golding's description of his appearance when he was found by the naval officers, remind the reader that he is still physically a child. In conclusion when comparing Jack and Ralph's characters in the first and last chapter in the novel, one can see that the main differences are that Jack is more conventional and conformist where Ralph is more easy going and a little rebellious who is always on the look out for adventure and danger. However, Ralph would like to be rescued by others where as Jack would like to make his own ‘gang' and would thrive on his own leadership.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Avoid Being Late
Avoid Being Late Lasonya Dawson Grand Canyon University PSY-102 October 24, 2010 Avoid Being Late The act of being late can be avoided by taking certain measures. The first thing you have to be able to do is admit that you had a problem with being on time. The next thing you have to do is be able to identify what causes you to be late. The next thing that you have to be is willing to do is make the necessary changes to correct the issues. The issue can be corrected with acknowledging all of the above and realize that this can be a very career threatening thing.The admittance that you have issue with being on time is the very first step in starting the process is resolving the issue. When you are late the problem starts in the preparation of the day before or the day of. One has to be able to picture in their mind what needs to be the day before and have a backup plan if needed. If one is in denial that they have a problem being on time, then there is little that can be done to correc t the issue. Once you have acknowledged the issue then you can find a solution or set up some type of system to resolve it. One has to be able to identify what triggers or causes them to be late.When you realize the point when time starts to get in a bit of a crunch could be sign of you being late. You have to be able to figure out is it the day before preparation or is it that you may have to try to multitask. Multitasking is the act of doing several things at the same time to get all completed in a timely manner. One should be able to see the pattern and the signs that occur when they are about to be late. When you are able to make the necessary changes to eliminate being late then you will be able to see what a positive effect it has on all things in your life.Once the changes are made to correct the issue you should become a more productive person. The key to being on time is time management. If you are able to manage your time well usually you are always on time. I pride myself on being on time. I start the day before if I know I have to be somewhere at a certain time the next day. I start by doing everything that I can possibly do the day before so that it will not slow me down the next day. I start with the kids. I ironing their clothes, getting their snacks together, and making sure I know how much time I am going to need to get them ready.I can say that I am rarely late to anything that I am expected to be on time to. I accredit it to the fact I feel like I am going to miss something if I am late and I hate to be in a hurry or having to do things at the last minute. The issue will not just be resolved in just one attempt. You have to be willing to try different things over a period of time. You have to be able to set a realistic time frame that you will be able to say that you have the issue under control. One has to set short term goals and follow through with them. You can start as simple as doing some things the day before that you would normally d o the day of to save time.One may follow up next with trying to multitask and take care of several things at once but, do not overwhelm yourself. Finally you can use what you have been training yourself to do on a family outing and set a time that you expect yourself to be there. You can even go so far as to grade yourself. There should also be some consequences for you being late. You can make an agreement with yourself to take away things that you like to do. You should also reward yourself for being on time until you have gotten the issue under control. I could start by taking away television time from you or even internet time from yourself.You can reward yourself by buying something that you like. There should always be penalties for allowing you to be late as well as rewards for being on time. The main thing that one has to realize is the negative effect that being late has on your career. Being late shows signs that you are not dependable. You should think it as if you are go ing to an interview and that if you are late then you are not going to get the job that you so desperately need. If one can place that kind of pressure on themselves then you should be able to always
Thursday, November 7, 2019
College Essay Myth Never Write a College Essay About Sports
College Essay Myth Never Write a College Essay About Sports You’ve probably heard the myth that you should never, ever write a college essay about one topic or another. Sports is one of the big no-nos. Who wants to hear about another come-from-behind winning game, right? But the fact is, as I related in my last blog, there are no good or bad essay topics, only good or bad essays. Luckily for you, I have obtained permission from my nephew to share his very good essay about – you guessed it – sports. Please read and enjoy – and notice why this college essay about sports stands above the rest. I’ll give you a hint: He has a sense of humor about himself. He relates his internal story a lot more than the external facts of the game. He comes full circle from the first paragraph to the last, with growth in between. And he writes about something he loves. (And in case you were wondering, he got into Northwestern University, UT Austin, and every other school to which he applied.) College Essay About Sports As a 4’9†high school sophomore, the first couple of weeks on the bench of the JV team brought me to the conclusion that my competitive baseball-playing days were over. In my initial despair, I longed for just one more chance. Ever since little league, baseball had been a part of me. Letting go of it mid-high school simply wouldn’t do. Then I remembered the time when I had filled in as an umpire at the little league where I grew up. The thought of watching baseball games for money, with my only job being to concentrate on each play and make a decision, was appealing. Umpiring wasn’t playing, but it was something, so I gave it another try. It was a few weeks into my new endeavor. The score was 15-0, top of the fourth, and it was already 9:20 p.m. Although there was no feasible way for the home team to win due to the five-runs-per-inning rule, all games were required to go four complete innings. Ugh. I want to go home. Hmmm, What if the pitcher were to throw a pitch that were even somewhat close to being a strike? It wouldn’t affect the outcome of the game, so could I maybe make an exception? No, that would be wrong. I can’t do that. In fact, since I am even thinking about this, my brain is probably going to expand the strike zone subconsciously, and therefore I should make a conscious effort to tighten it. Oh God, what am I even DOING? Umpiring was a bit more complicated than I expected. And, frustrating as it could be at times, I loved it. As an umpire, I constantly find myself lost in internal debates over my biases that I never experienced as a player. There are times when I realize, with some anxiety, that my decision agreed with what I had personally hoped would happen, or with a previous argument a coach had made, or with the latest grumblings of the fans. Although I generally consider myself fair, I have sudden crises, wondering whether I have committed the ultimate sin in umpiring: letting other people’s â€Å"calls†replace my own. I can usually convince myself that these instances are coincidental, but it’s still challenging to take in so much information from all sides about how the game is being perceived, and still be true to what I saw happen. As a player, one of my favorite parts of baseball had always been the mental game. I filled the â€Å"down time†that many others found boring with discussions and arguments with my teammates about strategy or rules. I have carried that aspect over into umpiring, mostly through discussions with coaches. Sometimes the most frustrating part of umpiring is when coaches accept my call without argument even though they don’t agree, saying â€Å"That’s ok, you’re the umpire.†Many umps would welcome this submission, but I find it even more offensive than being screamed at. Sometimes I talk to coaches between innings to further explain why I called what I did. These gestures are often appreciated, if not for my opinion, then for my attitude. The conversations are also far more mentally stimulating than the constant dispute the shortstop and I used to have over who should cover second base on a steal. I don’t wear a glove or swing a bat anymore, but I still consider myself a baseball player. I view the almost 100 games I’ve umpired as merely a position change. Although I have only made â€Å"great plays†by shouting my interpretation of what happened, and the pressure of the game is to perform mentally rather than physically, I now have the one more chance I desired. Even as I tower (albeit only by a few inches) over the players in size, and wear a different uniform, I feel more a part of each game than I ever have. So if you want to write a college essay about sports, go for it! And if you need help with how to say it, The Essay Expert is here to coach you. Check out our College Admissions Services page for more about what we offer and what others have to say about our services.
Monday, November 4, 2019
Overview of Theories Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Overview of Theories - Essay Example By understanding the numerous theories, it thus becomes possible to understand the behavior of children. The discussion below is an over view of three vita theories that explain the cognitive development of children. The three include Piaget’s Cognitive-Developmental Theory, Vygotsky’s Sociocultural Theory and Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Systems Theory. Each of the three just as hinted above offers a varied view to the development of children. The discussion is therefore an over view of the three with the view of portraying the fundamental features of the theories and the ideas that each theory foster. By analyzing such, the discussion thus portrays the essence of the environment among other factors in the development of the children. The theory strives to explain the nature of knowledge. It explains the process of acquiring knowledge, its construction and subsequent use of knowledge in humans. The theory therefore portrays the fundamental factor that influence the definition of knowledge and the factors that influence the relevance of such. The theory asserts that children begin by understanding the world around them before experiencing the discrepancies that exist between their knowledge and the actual features of the environment as they interact with the people. The theory underscores the importance of language. It explains that language is a contingent on the process of cognitive development. The theory therefore explains the factors that influence the cognitive development of individual by explaining the development of children. The people that a child interacts with first influence the nature of their development. Such people as the family members influence the child’s understanding of the society. Furthermore, the theory provides language as a means of assessing the cognitive development of a child. Using language
Saturday, November 2, 2019
International Business Practice Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
International Business Practice - Assignment Example Trade creation occurs when domestic production is substituted with imports from member states; sometimes it entails the condition of a less efficient system, albeit there is reduction in trade transaction costs. However, trade diversion occurs when it is carried out with member states. Whereas, earlier, trade was being carried out with other countries outside the Union. The portion of trade that was carried out with other countries or states is now diverted to member states under preferential trade agreements and due to this, trade diversion occurs. There are several reasons why countries resort to signing PTA; the main reasons are as follows: The underlying influence of Europe: The shift of the American Position Unbalanced nature of current multilateral trade regime and utmost dissatisfaction with it. Besides modern trade barriers are much more complicated in multilateral settings and most countries find it easier to deal with regional or sectoral trade. Failure of the World Trade O rganization (WTO) to become a major stabilizing force in global trade It is now necessary to consider each of these aspects individually and separately. The underlying influence of Europe: The influence of the European Community (EC) now known as the European Union has indeed been formidable. Although it faced several setbacks during 1992, it was successful in overcoming mighty odds in its search for regional trade co-operation The EU has been able to achieve despite the challenges it had to face, a major expansion of the European community, in terms of scope, depth and geographical coverage. â€Å"This success has undoubtedly had a demonstration effect, encouraging emulation in the form of regional initiatives in other parts of the world†(Frankel, 1977, P.5). The influence of the EU on setting up of several regional PTAs has indeed been reassuring, especially in the case of PTAs like the European Free Trade Association, (EFTA), Andean Group, Mercosur and ASEAN. The shift of the American Position: With Europe entering into progressive trade unionism ostensibly to avoid the prospects of further wars, America now needed to adopt a stance of its own, although without confronting the EC plans. It turned towards geo-political solutions and â€Å"proposing a new round of liberalization negotiations in the GATT so as to keep the momentum in the multilateral direction.†(Frankel, 1977, P.5). Since then American policies have shifted from multilateralism to regional trade partnership, which is quite evident from the US -Israel Free trade agreement and the Caribbean Basin initiative. â€Å"Where the Americans had previously reacted multilaterally to European action on the regional front, now they reacted regionally to European Action on the multilateral front†(Frankel, 1977, P.5). The American policies were clear cut and transparent – if the multilateral routes were closed, they were ready to explore regional routes for trade development an d believed that the breakdown of such barriers was essential for trade to flourish. There were several factors that contributed to the US trade policy. The first being that over the few decades, the US had lost global hegemony it had enjoyed since World War II, and its trade position has slipped down alarmingly in recent years. Secondly, the EU has been a strong economic and trade force in Europe and has matched US supremacy. Under such circumstances, the
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Toxin Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Toxin - Research Paper Example Ingestion of arsenic in the development stage of the nervous system results in the neurites’ growth being inhibited (CDC, 2011). This is due to the formation of arsenite, which is an arsenic metabolite that forms within 24 hours of ingestion. The arsenite toxic mechanism is to create an increased level of calcium ion levels between neurons that causes the transmembrane potential of the mitochondria to reduce which brings about death of the cell as an eventuality due to caspases (CDC, 2011). Many drugs may result in the manifestation of cardiovascular effects in the form of changes in blood pressure and heart rate (Kacew & Lee, B. 2013). However, the ingestion of some of these substances in significant amounts may result in them having toxic characteristics of the cardiovascular system. Digoxin is one such compound. This is a form of cardiac glycoside that is purified after the extraction from the foxglove plant. The compound is used in the treatment of heart diseases in regulating amounts. However, acute over dosage results in the development of marked bradycardia with the prolongation of the QRS and PR (Thanacoody & Waring, 2008). The toxicity of the compound is similar to arsenic as it affects concentrations of calcium in cells. The compound introduction to the cardiovascular system in vast quantities results conducting and myocardial tissues’ inhibition of ATPase pump of Na+/K+ (Thanacoody & Waring, 2008). This property leads to a reduction in the intracellul ar efflux of calcium through the exchange mechanisms of Na+/Ca2+. The effect is an increase in the calcium intracellular concentrations. That manifests in the form of marked bradycardia (Thanacoody & Waring, 2008). It is also associated with sinus arrests and haemodynamic instability due to varying atrioventricular block degrees. Cadmium is also a toxic substance to the body. However, its toxicity has to do with the endocrine system. The endocrine system is the system of glands
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Summarize the legal characteristics of personal property, real Essay - 3
Summarize the legal characteristics of personal property, real property, and bailments - Essay Example In the situation given, the fence may be considered a fixture if Eve and Frank or the previous owners thereof who sold the same in their favor, put up the fence with the intention of placing it there permanently. This may be determined by any or all of the following considerations: (i) materials used in the fence; and (ii) nature of business being conducted in the real property/land. If the materials used were light so that it can be easily destroyed or transferred, the owners thereof may have intended to classify the fence as personal property because the ‘permanent’ character cannot be seen therefrom. However, if the materials used in building the fence were strong such as concrete or steel, it can be easily inferred therefrom that the intention was to treat the fence as real property due to its permanent character. Also, the intention or purpose for building the fence may be gleaned from the nature of business in the area which is warehousing. Apparently, warehouse is supposed to be guarded to keep the contents thereof safe from burglars and robbers. Thus, it is quite logical to conclude that the fence may have been built by Eve and Frank for the sole purpose of giving protection to the warehouse which is within the area. The business of warehousing cannot be conducted if there will be no fence to safeguard it. Sometimes, a thing starts as personal property but by lapse of time and change in needs of the owners or parties involved, the same transforms into a real property. In this case, if the fence was built prior to the warehouse, the fence may have been previously treated as personal property. However, upon construction of the warehouse, the fence may have ripened into a real property because it became a necessary part of the warehousing
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Dynamic Capabilities
Dynamic Capabilities Making a competitive difference through Dynamic Capabilities Summary Purpose of report †¢ Method followed (if necessary) †¢ Main findings 1 Strategy and Resource-Based View Strategy of a company is about setting a direction towards the success. Competitive strategy is about being different from the competitors; its about choosing a unique set of activities aiming for a greater value to deliver. the resource-based perspective highlights the need for a fit between the external market context in which a company operates and its internal capabilities. The resource-based view is the classical view on strategy that explains how competitive advantage within firms is achieved and how that advantage of firms can be sustained over the time (Barney, 1991). Strategy is about combining activities (Horn, p86). How More recent studies suggest that understanding of the RBV (Barney, Eisenhardt, Teece, 2000) should be enhanced by the extended understanding of dynamic capabilities. resource-based view is grounded in the perspective that a firms internal environment, in terms of its resources and capabilities, is more critical to the determination of strategic action than is the external environment. Another view (Peteraf, Bergen, 2003) proposes to see the Resource-based view and Market-based view as compliments to one another. In that way the authors tackle the most common criticism on Resource-based view that it is insufficiently linked to the market. The role of similarity or rather dissimilarity in from the point of view of resource type can be a stepping stone for many managers, because they fail to analyse the competitors that are not producing the exactly the closest substitute product. The keyword here is resource functionality that should be addressed when deciding on a competitive strategy, as often resource packages that are dissimilar in type may serve as effective substitutes in terms of producing the same end product. Moreover, the authors here introduce a new edge on resource-side, such as functionality to counteract the market-side element of focus substitute detection. As the result, this draws on the importance of capabilities, the focus here is not only on pro duct markets, but also on the competitors activities in resource markets as well. 2 Dynamic Capabilities The theory of dynamic capabilities is thought to have arisen from a fundamental weakness of the resource-based view of the firm. The RBV has been criticized for ignoring factors surrounding resources, instead assuming that they simply â€Å"exist†. Considerations such as how resources are developed, how they are integrated within the firm and how they are released have been under-explored in the literature. Dynamic capabilities attempt to bridge these gaps by adopting a process approach: by acting as a buffer between firm resources and the changing business environment, dynamic resources help a firm adjust its resource mix and thereby maintain the sustainability of the firms competitive advantage, which otherwise might be quickly eroded. So, while the RBV emphasizes resource choice or the selecting of appropriate resources, dynamic capabilities emphasize resource development and renewal (Barney, 1991). According to wade and Hulland (2004), IS resources may take on many of the attributes of dynamic capabilities, and thus may be particularly useful to firms operating in rapidly changing environments. Thus, even if IS resources do not directly lead the firm to a position of superior sustained competitive advantage, they may nonetheless be critical to the firms longer-term competitiveness in unstable environments if they help it to develop, add, integrate, and release other key resources over time. The most common definition on what dynamic capabilities are is defined as â€Å"the firms ability to integrate, build, and recon internal and external competences to address rapidly changing environments†. The basic assumption of the dynamic capabilities framework is that todays fast changing markets force firms to respond quickly and to be innovative (Teece,1997). Are they easily imitable? Some says yes According to (Eisenhardt, Martin, 2000) Dynamic capabilities are more subsituable than it is usually thought. What is their nature? It is thought the the dynamics of the market influence can have some impact on the nature of dynamic capabilities; .. In moderately dynamic markets dynamic capabilities resemble the traditional conception of routines (Eisenhardt, Martin, 2000). In contrast, in high velocity markets, they are simple, highly experiential and fragile processes with unpredictable outcomes. Besides, in another context (Grant, 1996, Pisano, 1994) they are explained as the resources that are transformed, integrated together and recombine to generate a new value creating strategy. In that way, they are drivers behind the creation, evolution and recombination of other resources into new sources of competitive advantage (Henderson and Cockburn, 1994; Teece et al, 1997). Based on these premises (Eisenhardt, Martin, 2000) dynamic capabilities are defined as: The firms processes that use resources specifically the processes to integrate, recon, gain and release resources to match and even create market change. Dynamic capabilities thus are the organisational and strategic routines by which firms achieve new resource configuration as markets emerge, collide, split, evolve and die. An alternative definition that abandons the idea of high-velocity markets as the necessary context to explain dynamic capabilities says that (Zollo, Winter, 2002): A dynamic capability is a learned and stable pattern of collective activity through which the organization systematically generates and modifies its operating routines in pursuit of improved effectiveness. This definition clearly redefines the role and function of dynamic capabilities, since it stresses their connection with learning processes. Dynamic capabilities arise from learning; they constitute the firms systematic methods for modifying operating routines (Zollo, Winter, 2002). An example is given by an organisation that develops from its initial experiences with acquisitions or joint ventures a process to manage such projects in a systematic and relatively predictable fashion. The ability to plan and effectively execute postaquisition integration processes is an example of a dynamic capability, as it involves the modification of operating routines in both the acquired and the acquiring unit. In short, learning mechanisms shape operating routines directly as well as by the intermediate step of dynamic capabilities. 5 Strategic positioning and Competitive Advantage Strategy is conceptualized as a firms realized position in its competitive market (Mintzberg, 1987; Porter, 1980). Each firms strategic position is supported by its resources and capabilities, reflecting the idea that resources and positions are two sides of the same coin (Wernerfelt, 1984). In a constant strive for higher performance and long term successful strategy a question on strategic balance arises. Similarity among firms has raised an important question on strategic balance, how do firms chose to position themselves among their rivals? What is the value ( Deephouse, 1999) of being different (differentiation)or what is the value of being the same (conformity). Abrahmson and Hegeman (1994) observed that strategic conformity reduces both competitive risks and opportunities for competitive advantage. This can be solved by an integrative theory of strategic balance, because as evidence suggests (Deephouse, 1999) moderately differentiated firms have higher performance than either highly conforming or highly differenciated firms. However, (Deephouse, 1999) draws on strategic similarity as a firm-level construct representing the extent to which a firms strategic position resembles the strategic positions of other firms competing in its market at a particular point in time. Strategy and IKEA Positioning means performing different activities from rivals or performing similar activities in different ways. If a company is prepared to satisfy all needs of all customers it loses the distinctive positioning edge. Since IKEA begun in 1943 it has grown into a successful global network of stores with its unique retailing concept. The global furniture retailer based in Sweden, also has a clear strategic positioning. IKEA targets young furniture buyers who want style at low cost. What turns this marketing concept into a strategic positioning is the tailored set of activities that make it work. IKEA has chosen to perform activities differently from its rivals (see 2). In comparison to traditional furniture merchandisers who display just a fraction of their stock, IKEA takes a step further and displays all their stock in a room like settings, that way selling the whole concept of modern living. Also, by selling their own low cost designs in ready to assemble packages to fit its positioning, IKEA trades off service for cost. Customers are expected to do their own pickup and delivery, and despite of their low-cost position that comes from having customers do it themselves, IKEA offers a number of extra services that its competitors do not. Such as, childcare and extended opening hours, services that are uniquely aligned with the needs of its young and, middle class customers. As long as consumers from Moscow to Beijing and beyond keep striving to enter the middle class, there will be a need for IKEA. Currently with 226 stores worldwide it hosts 410 million delighted shoppers a year. Positioning choices determine not only which activities a company will perform and how it will con individual activities but also how activities relate to one another. While operational effectiveness is about achieving excellence in individual activities, or functions, strategy is about combining activities. What is the most important key factor in the success of IKEA? The answer is simply that it all is of an equal importance. Activities that form a system act as compliments to one another generating value for a company, which is a way strategic fit creates competitive advantage and superior profitability.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Computer Crime :: essays research papers
According to term computer crime means Criminal activity directly related to the use of computers, specifically illegal trespass into the computer system or database of another, manipulation or theft of stored or on-line data, or sabotage of equipment and data. There are many ways to commit computer crime. Some examples of computer crime are: 1) Accessing a computer, system, or network. 2) Modifying, damaging, using, disclosing, copying, or taking programs or data. 3) Introducing a virus or other contaminant into a computer system. 4) Using a computer in a scheme to defraud. 5) Interfering with someone else ¡Ã‚ ¦s computer access or use. 6) Using encryption in aid of a crime. 7) Falsifying e-mail source information. 8) Stealing an information service from a provider. Over the last twenty years, a technological revolution has occurred, as computers are now an essential element of today ¡Ã‚ ¦s society. In the world of computers, computer fraud and computer crime are very prevalent issues facing every computer user. Computers without any means of security are vulnerable to attacks from viruses, worms, and illegal computer hackers. A definition of computer crime has changed over the years as the users and misusers of computers have expanded into new areas. When computer were first introduced into businesses, computer crime was defined simply as a form of while-collar crimes committed inside a computer system. Computer crimes are hard to define, because the term is not subject to a precise definition, and it requires vast amounts of computer knowledge to understand how and why it happened. If we defined the term "computer", it means an electronic, magnetic, optical, electrochemical, or other high speed data processing device performing logical, arithmetic, or storage functions, and includes any data storage facility or communications facility directly related to or operating in conjunction with such device, but such term does not include an automated typewriter or typesetter, a portable hand held calculator, or other similar device. Computer crime laws in many states prohibit a person from performing certain acts without authorization, including others listed above. To prevent computer fraud and computer crime the government had to take a few steps. In 1974, they passed a simple Federal Privacy Act of 1974. A decade later, the computer crime was increasing rapidly, the government amended the acts and made it a federal crime. In the summary of the Acts, they are as follows: „à Federal Privacy Act of 1974: Goes further that the Freedom of Information Act in that it requires that individuals be able to correct federal information about themselves, by requiring that agency information not be used for alternate purposes without the individual's consent.
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