Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Switching to a Year-Round School Calendar Essay - 1092 Words
In the United States, most schools still use a ten-month calendar that was developed when our country’s students needed school off to help with harvesting (Palmer). Trimble Local Schools Superintendent Kim Jones says, â€Å"year-round schooling is the notion of getting away from the old agrarian calendar...which was formed up around the planting season. Students were out of school from April until harvest to work in the fields,†(qtd. in Hapka). Under the agrarian system, most United States students are in school for nine to ten months, and get a two- to three- month summer vacation. However, the United States is no longer an agricultural-based society, and students have no need to take a three-month-long, unnecessary, not to mention†¦show more content†¦Wake County, a school using a year-round calendar, teacher Mary Brown says, â€Å"Our schedule offers the kids a break from school right when they need it...they didn’t have the bored, glazed-over look of kids who had been in school for weeks on end with no break in sight,†(qtd. in The Pros and Cons). Others argue that it would be inconvenient and difficult for parents to find child care for frequent but short spans of time throughout the year. However, in communities that have already made the transition from the agrarian calendar to the year-round schedule, community programs and centers are adjusting as well. Many promptly begin providing a child-care package priced and structured specific to the school district in which they are located as soon as the transition is made (The Pros and Cons). Another common argument against a countrywide year-round schedule is that some communities would want breaks when others want to be in session. Just because the year-round schooling is countrywide does not mean the entire country has to have the exact same schedule. Each school district would come up with its own schedule specific to the community’s demands and traditions. Stu dents who are from rural Minnesota might want deer hunting season off while students from the concrete jungle of New York City will probably be less likely to make such a request. Ohio State Representative and member of the HouseShow MoreRelatedShould Year Round School Be A Positive Impact On The Lives Of Students?997 Words  | 4 PagesDoes year round school truly have a positive impact in the lives of students? Various studies do suggest that year round school is helpful. There are some disadvantages to this type of schooling that are preventing all schools from switching to this type of scheduling. 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Experts agree that year round schooling may not be the answer to the problems of all school districts. However in more than 205 districts nation wide, problems have been resolved by year round schooling. First I need to explain that this is different from extending the school year; on a year round schedule, students attend school the same numberRead MoreYear Round Education1308 Words  | 6 Pagesschooling and year-round education is? Maybe you didn’t know that there are more than one type of year-round education. A year-round school schedule can benefit educators, students, and even families. Year-round schooling is where the breaks in school are on a balanced schedule. Instead of having a three month summer break, there would be 60 days off and then the students would be back to school. 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Sunday, December 15, 2019
Globalization and Managing Work Organizations in Sri Lanka Free Essays
string(97) " of the island itself amp; it’s rather than a week or so to deliver a letter to oversees\." Today the world has become a one village under the same roof breaking out cultural geographical amp; socio economical boundaries amp; limitations within past few decades. With that occurrence all people around the world has been integrated with each other regardless their races colours amp; cultural aspects. What’s this revolution? It’s an unprecedented experience that people all around the world enjoy. We will write a custom essay sample on Globalization and Managing Work Organizations in Sri Lanka or any similar topic only for you Order Now It’s the globalization. What does it really mean? The simple definition is integration of economies amp; societies all over the world.Some might argue in optimistic perspective . Another might do the same in pessimistic way. But as far as single country or nation is concerned there are much more issues amp; effects of globalization that have to be taken into account. However what need to be concerned is to filter up the positive aspects in this process as there is a negative aspect as well that might coincide at the same time. Globalization is an integration of the countries of the world in order to develop the global economy. Two types of such integration are obvious.They are negative amp; positive integration. Under the negative integration it discusses about the loss of trade or protective business. But sometimes it might be beneficial for a country as it allows to import essential amp; important products to the country. Positive integration means standardizing international economic laws amp; policies. That means having similar policies between two or more countries in case of business. The globalization has created so many effects amp; aspects. The major effect among them is improvement of international trade.There may be dramatically improvement in both import amp; export as trade barriers amp; limitation are not strict too much in globalized context. When international trade improves there is a technological progress as well since government try to enhance the level of technology. Greater mobility of human recourses across the countries is another major effect of globalization. Nowadays such labor exporting is much obvious. A country that has a shortage of manpower might export labour from another country to fulfill the vacancies. But there is another bad aspect as well to be concerned. That’s threat aimed by those immigrated labors towards native ones. The influence of multinational companies is too another effect of globalization. The history of srilankan globalization claims nearly three decades as it became as a new phenomena with the start of the liberalized open economy in early 1970’s. Ever since the commencement the open economic policy the process of globalization has been making the significant influence in each amp; every sector of the economy in srilanka. With the liberalization economy in 1977, srilanka entered into the arena of globalization amp; thus, she has 33 years in this process.In the first phase of liberalization that means in 1977 to 1982 the country achieved internal balance in terms of high economic growth amp; low unemployment. In the second phase 1983 to 1994 internal imbalances such as low growth rate, high unemployment rate, high inflation with a external imbalance of large current account deficit were suffered. They remain constant but higher than the second phase amp; aggravated social economic problems during the third phase of 1994 to date. Fiscal profligacy continue unabated, allegation of waste amp; corruption were galore.Privatization of government services amp; industries is another clear cut evidence during this period. So far we discuss about the what is the globalization amp; history of srilankan globalization. How globalization affect managing work organization is the key topic that we are to clarify about . By now srilankan economy is heavily globalised. This has spreaded out to each amp; every sectors in its economy such as industrial, telecommunication, banking, insurance amp; education etc. It shows how srilankan civil society amp; economy is thoroughly globalised.If we pay our attention on how globalization has affected our srilankan economy, we have many to talk about. It’s obvious fact that we all know that early srilankan industry mostly deals with manual mechanism procedures . Afterwards when srilankan economy got open to the liberalized economy 1977,technological oriented business industries were commenced. At that time other countries such as European used the advanced technologies in their industrial processes. In comparison to their production and services ,the level of quality and standard of our production seemed to be too low.There it realized that in order to compete in international trade and business we ought to deal with this technology so that it was the only way in which we could compete with them. Today In the context of srilankan business organization it’s hardly to find any that’s not dealing with the modern technologies. Nowadays srilankan banking system is heavily globalised. If anybody has got visa card he can make his transaction at any time at any location even at oversees. No need to have a branch of similar bank in which you have got your account but through any bank that linked together.A Srilankan citizen can fly up America and he can make any inquiry, transferring money or whatever action he desires through online or even through mobile phones. †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Telecommunication is another major sector that’s heavily globalized. In early srilankan economy telecommunication sector was not at a satisfactory level. But by now it’s been subject to revolution and globalization. It‘s been hardly to find any organization that is away from using email amp; internet. Internet has become an indispensible service component for every business organization.In order to cater such services there are no of service providers emerged during last two decades. With the dramatical usage of mobile phones the demand for the mobile services such as dialog, mobitel has grown up. Conversion of mobile phone technology analog to digital was as a result of globalization. It got to know that analog would no longer support to cope with international hence changing to digital technology was the ever best solution. Today not only telecommunication but also almost every business work organization are digitalized. Earlier major mean of correspondence was mail.Sometimes it takes two or three days to send a letter to remote corner of the island itself amp; it’s rather than a week or so to deliver a letter to oversees. You read "Globalization and Managing Work Organizations in Sri Lanka" in category "Papers" But thanks to the e mail we can do it in just one second or so irrespective of time amp; location. The cost of corresponding charges has become lowest ever. That has resulted to increase productivity, efficiency amp; profitability of the work organization. Meeting is another way of communication in work organization. Today no need to gather up to a physical location amp; have the meeting. Everything is possible through multimedia technology.Just say there are main 4 partners of the business . Andrew from America, Anand from India, Kushito from Japan, Sarath from Srilanka . Thanks to multimedia technology they can have their meeting online without gathering up to physical location. It helps to save time amp; enhance the productivity of organization. Education sector is rapidly globalised as well. Organization have been able to recruited skillful talented qualified employees who have got more updated knowledge due to available of many international professional courses even in srilanka.CIMA, ACCA, CIM, CFA are some instances. Anybody who is seeking such international professional qualification can easily learn being in srialnka itself. Therefore work organization in srilanka can easily find out talented skillful qualified employees. When there is such set of talented human resources, productivity amp; efficiency of work organization would increase up. Hotel amp; tourism sector is another globalised sector in srilanka. They have to get manage in a way that they can satisfy any visitors regardless his country, culture etc. It’s obvious today each amp; every srialankan hotels make available any type of food such as Chinese . Italian, Indian Thai etc. Not only food amp; beverages but also another utility services such as herbal treatments, massages, spa have been available to satisfy any visitor coming from every nook amp; crannies of the world. Online hotel booking is available option so that any person from any country get facilitated just in few seconds. Today business organization in srilanka pays their attention much more to make a globalised business culture. The obvious evidence is dress code.Western dress code is most commonly accepted way of dressing in most organization. Apart from that the employees mostly in private sector are allowed to dress in casual one of the official days most probably it’s last Friday of every month. Not only that today English has become the most commonly accepted business language in srilanka. Another major globalized aspect in srilankan work organization is globalised accounting amp; financing practices. Nowadays, many business organizations tend to prepare their business financial reports in accordance with SLAS as well as IFRS.Especially in case of dealing with international global market, they are absolutely required to prepare their accounts in terms of foreign currencies in accordance with IFRS. Not only that in case of consolidating with oversees companies, business in srilanka ought to prepare their accounts in accordance with IFRS in addition to the set prepared in accordance with srilankan accounting standards [SLAS]. This is an obvious evidence specially in multinational companies such as Uniliver, Coca cola amp; other consolidated group of business such as Aitken spence amp; John keels ltd. Therefore such business should be aware to recruit right set of HR, well knowledgeable amp; keen in the field of accounting amp; finance. Working at the European business hours is another globalised impact obvious in Srilanka. The typical example is WNS SOLUTION. They work during the European business hours since they need to be connected on line with their overseas branches. In such case such organization ought to have reliable amp; appropriate computer systems amp; applications amp; recruit qualified staff with fair computer literacy.Not only that they ought to comply with required rules amp; procedures such as IFRS in case of book keeping amp; preparing financial accounts†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. Harbors amp; airports are major globalization oriented work organization. They are the places where international trade amp; business often take place. It’s pleasure to say that government is paying their attention in order to enhance the level of quality of such organizations amp; build up more amp; more harbors amp; airports around the island. The consequences of such decisions is enormous.In addition to Colombo harbor, several harbors are being set up around the island so as to enhance the capacity of dealing with international trade amp; business. Apart from that Colombo harbor is scheduled to be expanded to store up amp; manage more amp; more containers. Warehousing facilities are scheduled to widen up as well. Today e-commerce is widely used by many business organizations in srilanka. Through e commerce people can buy products amp; services online. But unfortunately e-commerce is used only in very limited business organization such as banks amp; hotels in Srilanka.Due to higher capital investment required to initiate such commerce system many organization are not prone to launch e commerce system. But however it’s pleasure to say that e-commerce used by above mentioned organizations are at a satisfactory level. Almost each amp; every bank in srilanka has facilitated their customers to be facilitated through at anytime any location just in few seconds. Money transferring, Cheque book ordering, withdrawing amp; even payment through visa credit amp; debit card are among them. Even some private hospitals have provided e- commerce facility. For instance Nawaloka, Durdorns etc are there.E- Commerce is available even through mobile phone ,that is e-channeling. Through e-channeling a person can channel out any doctor through his mobile phone. This has caused to enhance the efficiency of above organization since it would reduce the traffic intensity of counter points amp; make easy to manage the workload of the organization. But as mentioned above the major issue dealing with e commerce is higher initial capital requirement. The banks amp; other organization that deal with e commerce ought to be equipped with modern technology supported by talented system amp; network maintaining staff.Many organizations nowadays tend to use digitalized security methods other than manual procedures. In case of dealing with globalized environment ,there is a risk of getting exposed to vulnerable threats such as virus, hackers in a view of spoiling out their systems altering ,deleting the information of the business that’s the most integral part of any organization. Therefore relevant measures to avoid such vulnerable threats need to be set up. Such organization should take necessary actions amp; procedures to ensure the security of their system as much as possible.For instance, some organizations use firewall so as to avoid intruders amp; hackers. Hackers are the people who access others information using advanced software’s amp; technology. Since the information is the most precious treasury for any organization they must set up maximum security on their system to ensure their systems are free from vulnerable threats. Documenting process is another important part in any work organization. This has too been subject to globalization in Sri Lanka. Earlier there was a paper based documentary system in almost every organization.But nowadays it’s hardly to see paper based documentary system as it’s now modernized amp; computerized . Hence that has resulted to reduce paper jam amp; workload of the organization amp; therefore there is a dramatical productivity amp; efficiency improvement in any work organization. Nowadays there are number of computer software to deal with documentary works. MS WORD,MS EXCEL,MS POWER POINT,NOTEPAD etc are few of them. That has made documentary work so easy as ever before. Storing,retrieval amp; corresponding of documents has become easy than ever before through e mail ,fax etc.It’s possible to send number of copies of same documents /letters to number of persons in few seconds at once. This has led to improve the productivity amp; efficiency of business organization. We all know that srilanka has been exposed to globalization ever since the beginning of liberalized economic policy in 1977. Since then there has been a sequence improvement in both import amp; export trade business. There is a formal procedure which is done under the supervision of government authorities such as custom etc. And it’s common ecret that smuggling is being done in spite of strict supervision. Smugglers try to smuggle using their own tactics amp; sometimes using advanced technology. Therefore it needs to establish proper controlling amp; security procedures in order to avoid such smuggling. Among them drugs smuggling takes a prime place. We all know that these drugs can cause for a wider social disaster. Therefore proper organizational procedures and authorizes have to be established in order to avoid this situation under the supervision of government.Not only that with the advancement of tourist industry in srilanka, tourist arrival rate has significantly improved up. Considerable number of tourists comes to Sri Lanka to enjoy her scenic beauty amp; bio diversity per annum. Therefore it’s possible to fly up infectious deceases with them. Therefore airports should be facilitated amp; equipped with modern technologies [scanners] to identify immigrants with infectious diseases. With the arrival of multinational companies such as Uniliver, Coca cola etc, local business organizations have faced severe competition in the local market itself.Due to liberalized amp; globalised economic policy the oversees companies like multinational companies easily access our local market amp; do their business as freely as ever before. To face this global competition local business organization such as Ceylon cold stores, CBL should make their strategies in a way that they can surpass above multinational organization. The best typical example is CBL. CBL has often been innovating amp; experimenting variety of production amp; hence by now it has been able catch up more than 90% of the local market surpassing even such multinational companies. With globalization entertainment has become key element of life style. People in srilanka are prone to spend their leisure time enjoying the entertainment. It’s clear cut evidence that both Hollywood amp; Bollywood industries are trying to devour the local market of srilankan film industry. Due to their highest attractive technological tactics amp; advance camera tricks they have been able to provide maximum entertainment. They are supported not only by the highest technology but even their governments facilitate them to enhance the level of quality of their film industry.Therefore relevant authorities in srilanka should focus their attention on this pathetic situation amp; should do everything possible to overcome this issue. Otherwise sooner or later srilankan film industry will collapse down forever. However it’s pleasure to say that government has done something to improve the srilankan film industry. †RANMINITHENNA†Tele cinema village is a typical example. We have to learn much more things in terms of technology usage. The quality of film theater needs to be enhanced so as to give a maximum entertainment . We ought to apply modern technology such as DFT, DOLBY DIGITAL etc.Then only we can overcome globalised entertainment competition amp; achieve the market. Thus globalization has led to derive more opportunities amp; strategies to make it easy to manage organization amp; on the other hand it creates severe threats amp; competition against the local work organization as well. Therefore on what we should focus our attention is to manage work organization infusing its opportunities amp; surpass its invaded threats amp; competition. Then only Srilanka would have a BETTER TOMORROW IN THE CONTEXT OF GLOBALISATION†¦.. How to cite Globalization and Managing Work Organizations in Sri Lanka, Papers
Saturday, December 7, 2019
Strategic Global Human Resource Management
Question: Discuss about theStrategic Global Human Resource Management. Answer: This paper is an argumentative essay on human resource management (HRM) case study. It addresses the role of the strategic HRM as well as other challenges the HRM faces in a flexible work environment designed by a case study law firm named Justita, a winner of the AHRI Sir Ken Robinson Award, for workforce flexibility. As a law firm Justitia aimed at developing a business model whose activities pays great attention to work-life balance as opposed to other firms that payed great attention to value of the income associated with billable hours of the employees. The founders of this law firm were also interested in fostering the talent of the women lawyers as well as creating harmonious work relationship between clients and members of staff. For a long time now many corporates around the world base their business models majorly on profit model. The most important aspect in these organisations is the revenue and profit generated by the company. Much attention is not given to the other side of the staff i.e. the social welfare. It is therefore important for firms such as Justitia to expand the boundaries to all new level so that other firms can learn from them and realize that it can still work for the companies to mind about the social welfare of the employees at the same time keeping an eye on their profit model. It also highlights the fact that work in firms should not be based on activities but results. Someone can be at work the whole day and still effectively does not add much value at work. Another person can work a few hours and he/she delivers on the work description effectively. This paradigm shift in way organisations work also serves as an example of how organisations can be empowering in nature rather than adm inistrative in nature. The output of employees or members of staff of an organisation either collectively or individually is greatly dependant on their social wellbeing as much as work expertise. Therefore when an organisation is empowering in nature it motivates the staff to post impressive performances which in turn boosts the performance of the organisation. It also highlight the fact that change should not be slow and fragmented rather it should be proactive and systematic. Justitia could have as well not embraced this kind of business model because the motive was not profit based rather it was more of work-life balance. In this case it the paradigm shift in business model espoused by Jutitia serves as a leader in encouraging other companies to embrace change in a proactive and systematic manner as it is beneficial to both members of staff and the organisation. (Lussier, Hendon, n.d.) When adapting the approach such as one taken by Justitia, a challenge may arise in the consistency of handling clients issues or service delivery if great documentation is not followed to the letter. Even then its challenging to capture all the information in document pertaining a certain client in relation to the services he/she was seeking. The client could have worked in angry in the morning and registered his/her complain with staff on duty and left to come back after some time to check on the progress. Ordinarily this type of client may have experienced delay with her case in court for example. She then walks in latter to find a new staff on duty whom might not be aware about the frustrations the client had showed when she came in earlier. That means the handover process may have not been sufficient enough to capture even the urgency of this matter. The new staff proceeds to prioritise other requests based on information available at that time. And when its time to serve the fru strated client the new staff ask her to kindly check the progress the following day as her request would have been attended to by then, and she can not take it anymore. This scenario leads to poor client management that this model is at risk of if meticulous documentation is not employed. During handover process there is a chance that certain client information may slip through unnoticed forcing the client to repeat herself/himself again to the new staff as opposed to when one person is handling clients for longer period of time continuously. (Wheatley, 2016) Another problem that may occur in this model is the threat to profit model of the company. If the company doesnt strike correct balance between the social welfare of the employees and work output then the profit model which is what financially sustains the business will be at risk. The model may run a risk of being abused in that if over emphasis is laid on the social welfare part of the employees to an extend of having staff shortage at work at certain period for social reasons, then this may begun to negatively affect the service delivery and thus the income of the organisation. In the end the organisation may not be able to sustain it self financially. To mitigate this, as much as the social welfare of the human resource is important the resource should be managed in such a way that at no time is service delivery is forgone for avoidable social reasons. The model requires that employs optimally deliver on the job descriptions as developed by human resource management at all times as there is little room to recover if time is lost or objective not met on allocated time. This problem is occasioned by fact employees only feature at work on specific short period of time and this means this time has to be utilized failure to which the company would run into risk of meeting organisational objectives. To manage this situation, employees of organisation operating under this kind of model need to be highly trained on effective time management so that once at work he/she can optimally utilize the time at work. (McCann, 2008) For large organisations with probably hundreds or thousands of employees, implementing this model would become a challenge because of logistics in capturing or accommodating a large number of peoples personal activities. To be able to effectively strike a workable timetable that will suit large number of people is a problem and thus, this suggests, this model may not viable for large organisations. For the case of different industries which operate on 24- hour basis balancing the social life with work can be a challenge for the organisation. Ideally, this model postulates that every staff needs to spend quality family time and as well have time to run other personal activities. For a 24-hour manufacturing company it can be challenging to accommodate this social aspect effectively. There is going to be people who would have to be at work at night as opposed to being with their families, or when there is emergency say machines are broken down then the personnel needed have to be recall ed while attending to his/her own personal activities thus hindering implementation of flexible working arrangements as espoused by Jutitia. (Stavrou, Ierodiakonou, 2011) Considering a school set up, a medium sized primary school for example with about 20 teachers. We can see a possibility of implementing this type of model. The school runs on a timetable which can be usually agreed between members of staff. It is important that the number of teachers be as low as possible to reduce logistics needed to be considered to come up with a workable timetable for all the teachers. The timetable in this case can be developed such that it accommodates all teachers with regard to time they think they are able to work at school. It is rare that many teachers may nominate to work at the same time because of unique activities every teacher has as well the total number of teachers is also small. Therefore the probability that such a case may happen is minimal. For the few who may nominate overlapping time it is easier for an agreement to be reached where everyone can compromise on time a little bit. The timetable can then be drawn where each teacher is allocated ro les at school at different time of the day. If the teacher doesnt have a lesson or any other activity he/she can use this time to be with family or run other personnel activities. (Stavrou, Ierodiakonou, 2011) In conclusion, Jutitia model is a very good model of balancing work-life relations in order to wholesomely consider human resources in all spheres of life. However the model can be challenging to implement in other industries such as manufacturing industries where operations are run for 24 hour. The model is also not viable for organisations with large number of employees because of logistical challenges in the implementation of the model. References Atypical and flexible working. Lussier, R., Hendon, J. Human resource management. McCann, D. (2008). Regulating flexible work. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Skorstad, E., Ramsdal, H. (2016). Flexible organizations and the new working life. London: Routledge. Stavrou, E., Ierodiakonou, C. (2011). Flexible Work Arrangements and Intentions of Unemployed Women in Cyprus: A Planned Behaviour Model. British Journal Of Management, 22(1), 150-172. https://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1467-8551.2010.00695.x Wheatley, D. (2016). Employee satisfaction and use of flexible working arrangements. Work, Employment And Society, 095001701663144. https://dx.doi.org/10.1177/0950017016631447 Wilkinson, A. The SAGE handbook of human resource management.
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